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Long-term changes in solar activity and irradiance.
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 252, 2023, 106150,
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Absolute Calibration. III. Improved Absolute Calibration for the Visible through the Mid-infrared.
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Aura/MLS observes and SD-WACCM-X simulates the seasonality, quasi-biennial oscillation and El Niño–Southern Oscillation of the migrating diurnal tide driving upper mesospheric CO primarily through vertical advection .
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Seasonality of the Migrating Semidiurnal Tide in the Tropical Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and Its Thermodynamic and Momentum Budget.
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The CHROMA cloud-top pressure retrieval algorithm for the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite mission.
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Update on the GOSAT TANSO–FTS SWIR Level 2 retrieval algorithm.
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Solar Irradiance Spectra from the Compact SOLSTICE (CSOL) Experiment: Instrument Design, FUV Calibration, Measurements, and Comparison of the 2018 Rocket Flight.
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The Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) Mission: Final Calibrations and Data Products Editorial Postface.
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The Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) Mission: Final Calibrations and Data Products Editorial Postface.
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Intercalibration of the reflective solar bands of MODIS and MISR instruments on the Terra platform.
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Influence of the Solar Spectra Models on PACO Atmospheric Correction.
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A single-peak-structured solar cycle signal in stratospheric ozone based on Microwave Limb Sounder observations and model simulations.
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A New Model of Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance Variability with 0.1‐0.5 nm Spectral Resolution.
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An Investigation on Seasonal and Diurnal Cycles of TOA Shortwave Radiations from DSCOVR/EPIC, CERES, MERRA-2, and ERA5.
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Exploring possibilities for solar irradiance prediction from solar photosphere images using recurrent neural networks.
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Characteristics of solar-irradiance spectra from measurements, modeling, and theoretical approach.
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Estimates of Hyperspectral Surface and Underwater UV Planar and Scalar Irradiances from OMI Measurements and Radiative Transfer Computations.
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Calibration Inter-Comparison of MODIS and VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Using Lunar Observations.
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Detecting undocumented trends in solar irradiance observations.
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